Monday, February 24, 2014

Man with Bird

Man with Bird
from the series The Inhabitants
oil on canvas
16″ x 20″

The Inhabitants
We are inhabitants of places and spaces, of our bodies, and of time. The subtlety of our experiences manifests itself in our inner and outer selves. It is written on our faces and hands, reflected in our clothes and language. These outward signs are quotients. They are remainders of life’s constant buffeting left behind, imprinted on us, and open for interpretation. These paintings are attempts to put form to these accumulations of felt living. Finding that particular brand of “me, myself, and I” that is unique to each one of us.


  1. I like this. It leaves me with more questions than answers as to what is going on here, enticing me to engage with the painting rather than give it a casual viewing.
